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Post: About Temburong
*Practicing my english language

The call of a proboscis monkey. The thrill of a speedboat cutting through jungle waters. Unspoiled. Untamed. Unbelievable.

Early European explorers told tales of the exotic wonders found on the island of Borneo. Rare orchids with blooms as large as dinner plates. Elusive monkeys with long, curved noses. Rivers that snake through uncharted forests. And green, verdant shades never before seen. This is Temburong, and all it beholds the adventurous traveller today.

Temburong is a living tribute to Brunei’s dedication to preserving one of the world’s most diverse ecosystems. The Ulu Temburong National Park offers visitors a peek at a world untouched by man, from above or below the forest canopy. The simple culture of the Bornean longhouse community can also be seen — a complete and unforgettable Borneo experience.


Sekolah Rendah Haji Tarif said...

bro... bagus plg english atu improved daripada 3 tahun lalu hehe....

Good Luck in perfecting your english.. just read balik2 to make it better....

Be honest in what you do, and don't be afraid untuk buat mistakes...


Kostya said...

Yeah bro... Thanx for da compliment.. I know banyak improved.. usaha tangga kejayaan

And I post this ah, Just try to get some more ideas, some more good ideas rather than kan copy paste ani..

and, there's many comment about this in my facebook. They give me out some good ideas.

yea.. hehe.. thanx for giving me a comment for this post. coming up new post..

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